
Showing posts from July 12, 2009

-1 Los Angeles - Mojave- Los Angeles

Before to begin our trip I have decided to take a road test to see if everything was ok ( me , Olli and the bike ) . Thus we went to see the "aircraft cemetery" on the Mojave desert (100miles from LA). This is a very strange place where you can see almost 100 old aircrafts in the middle of nowhere ( Tony the guy that drove us around says that on the recent past they had more then 300 ). These airplanes are waiting under a burning sun and very dry air to be dismantle for their parts /components. In the same airport , we have also seen a very strange aircraft This is a Virgin protoype "launcher" . With this airplane the team of Sir Richard Branson is testing the possibility to bring a Shuttle on air and launch it to the space .On board of course only "space tourists". Go Sir Branson you are a unique Visionaire ( unfortunately to finance this operation he had to shut down the store in Union Square)

-2 Los Angeles

Hi finally you can see my two trip`s companions. Two different characters : he doesn`t want to be photographed and I had to discuss a little while to make a deal : only with the helmet . She can`t wait to be photographed across the country and to be shown to everybody. I`m sure he will change his mind soon. Last night we had an amazing barbecue at Sonia`s house, Great people , delicious food ( see pictures) and very friendly atmosphere . Our special thanks to Sonia, Mariam , Mark, Sharon , Katrin, and all the others were there . You all will be with us.

There is only " the Road"

Almost ready !!! Finally next wednesday I will fly to LA and in the afternoon I will go to pick up the bike ( isn`t nice ?) . After that, the last details to set up and Sunday 19th we will be ready to begin this journey . Olli will arrive Thursday from Vancouver and he is very excited about this adventure . A travel makes everybody richer ; it change emotions in sounds, words, attitudes , `cause life needs a sense . This kind of experience it is the perfect fuel to give to everybody the possibility to continue to growth , but ONLY if we approach a journey in the correct way . What it is important is not where to go , but "how to go" . We all are aware that who does leave, knows what he is leaving, but he doesn`t know what is looking for and then , after a journey experience ,nothing looks the same as before, because of what we have lived , seen , enjoyed and met !!!!! In few words , to travel is .......LIFE .